Two Tax Truths and a Lie: Here’s What You Can and Can’t Get Away Withadmin2017-04-17T11:41:08-07:00March 10, 2017|News|
IRS Criminal Investigation Releases Fiscal Year 2016 Annual Reportadmin2017-03-03T09:05:40-08:00February 27, 2017|News|
4 Serious Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Lie on Your Taxesadmin2017-03-02T15:56:57-08:00February 25, 2017|News|
The Government Has $1 Billion in Unclaimed Tax Refundsadmin2017-03-02T14:58:52-08:00February 21, 2017|News|
Avoid the Rush: Be Prepared to Validate Identity if Calling the IRSadmin2017-03-03T09:36:27-08:00February 14, 2017|News|
Pay Taxes, Buy a Slurpee: IRS Now Accepts Taxes at 7-Elevenadmin2023-06-07T09:53:23-07:00February 1, 2017|News|
Audit Letter? 9 Steps to Survive the Processadmin2017-01-27T16:55:25-08:00January 27, 2017|News, Pattys Income Tax|
IRS Works to Help Taxpayers Affected by ITIN Changes; Renewals Begin in Octoberadmin2016-09-20T14:56:35-07:00September 20, 2016|News|